Example References


Reference Formats

References are specified with the reference field in the page’s metadata. Using this field should be thought of as making the page “own” that particular reference: the page can be seen as synonymous with the reference, in the context of your collection of notes.

The input format can be anything which citation-js knows how to interpret. Therefore the reference can be any of the following:

  • bibtex (as above)
  • bibJSON
  • CFF
  • DOI
  • ISBN
  • wikidata

As you can see, reference data can be specified completely locally, but can also be specified externally via DOI, ISBN, wikidata etc.. This tool was built with local referencing in mind, but for example: maybe you have a page dedicated to notes about a paper, you can use its DOI in the reference field, and citation-js will fetch everything it needs about that paper.

For example, this is a citation generated from an external location:

Pricing Traits of the U.S. Corn Seed Market#

And this was produced by using the DOI as the citation label:

<cite label="10.1093/ajae/aaq063">[[9743c64f]]#</cite>